
At Ordú we transform companies with information systems built around your Lean business needs. With ‘OrdúLean’ your Company will perform better, more profitably and your customers will appreciate the difference.


At Ordú we deliver Manufacturing Software, Custom Built. Our solutions include:

• Customised Data Systems for Industry
• Inspection Data Systems, including Statistical Process Control (SPC)
• Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
• Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)
• Implement Data control systems to ensure operations are conducted to plan.
• Implement manufacturing dashboards to display operational performance in real time.
• Use the Principles of Lean to Deliver D.M.A.I.C. projects to achieve Operational Excellence.
• Work with client manufacturing companies to define their operational data requirement and formalise a User Requirements Specification (URS) at the start of the data system project.
• Deliver systems according to agreed requirements (URS)
• Validate systems based on the requirements and test results from linked test scripts from the project plan and publish in a system validation report.
• Implement product labelling systems which interact with warehouse and palletisation systems including GS1 compliant barcode labelling systems.
• Implement product serialisation systems with batch control and labelling that meets regulatory requirements for medical devices.

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